9 Year Old Twins Left Abandoned in an Apartment for over 5 months by Uncle After Parents went to #Nigeria.

According to Yahoo News, Manchester police said the uncle, 25-year-old Giobari Atura, told them he would stop by every couple of days to drop off food, but when police got involved in November, they found no edible food in the refrigerator and only ramen noodles in a cabinet.
The Twin 9-year-old boys were left mostly alone in their New Hampshire apartment for four months after their parents took three siblings to Nigeria and left an uncle, 25 year old Giobari Atura to care for them, authorities said Thursday.

The kids were taking the school bus and getting breakfast and lunch at school. Apparently, they had no phone or any food for days at a time, starving and hungry while the evil Uncle only looked in on them 3 days a week or sometimes never.

He claimed that he told them to call even though there was no working phone in the house.

Apparently, the parents who are #Nigerians left them in his care to travel home to #Nigeria with their other 3 kids and got stuck back in #Nigeria due to Visa issues.
A neighbor, Christaly Garcia, said she didn't recall seeing the boys but that wasn't too common since that apartment complex had so may kids.

The boys were taken into protective custody and then placed into foster care.
Assistant Hillsborough County Attorney Michael Valentine said the parents returned home shortly after they learned the boys were being left alone. Because they left them in the care of a relative, Valentine said, they won't be charged. The boys are back with their parents.
The parents claimed that they called the uncle to check on their kids.

I do have some unanswered questions;
  • Why did they never speak to their kids?
  • Why was the house phone not working?
  • When they knew they had visa issues, why did they not call or notify authorities or someone else to check on the kids since they never spoke to their kids for over 5 months?
  • At least, the parents deserve to spend a night in jail and see how it feels to be left alone, abandoned?
  • Putting the entire blame on the uncle is wrong because it is possible that these parents really did leave these kids by themselves, while telling the uncle to check on them once in a while.
  • If a child was being left behind, then only one of the parents should have travelled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I say this is a case of #Terribleparenting


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