#VIOLADAVIS is a Beautiful Woman and #NEWYORK Times sucks.
Please read her response to NewYork Times saying that she is "NOT CLASSICALLY BEAUTIFUL

Viola Davis Responds To NYT Article 

Calling Her 'Less Classically Beautiful


by Wochit 1:00 mins
How would you react if The New York Times described you
as "less classically beautiful" than your peers, let alone in the
 same story labeling your friend as an "angry black woman"?
 If you're Oscar-nominated Viola Davis, the star of ABC's new How to Get Away With Murder, you reply eloquently on 
national TV. That's what she did on The View. Viola said, "I
 think that beauty is subjective. I've heard that statement my entire life. Being a dark-skinned black woman — you hear it
 from the time you get out of the womb.

 Classically not beautiful is a fancy term of saying ugly, and
 denouncing you, erasing you. Now it worked when I was 

younger; it no longer works for me now. 

Because really at the end of the day, you define you."


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