#HalleBerry Takes Ex- Gabriel Aubry to Court For Trying to Make Their Daughter #Nahla Look More White By Straightening her Hair, Despite Calling Halle Berry Very Racist Names in previous fights

Seems like the Ex #GabrielAubry who won't Get a real job Has now resorted to trying to Straighten Nahla's hair to make her look more white as Halle Berry claims in a new lawsuit. 
A topic particularly sensitive to her as she has also claimed in previous occasions has called her #Racist Names and Derogatory names because she is black (White mum and Black Father).


Halle was furious Gabriel was straightening Nahla's naturally-curly hair, lightening it with highlights and she is convinced it's because he does not want the girl to appear to be African American.

Halle didn't show in court Monday morning, but her lawyer did, along with Gabriel and after a lot of arguing the judge ruled NEITHER Halle nor Gabriel could change Nahla's look from its natural state.

So the judge is allowing Nahla's hair to grow back naturally.
Looks like Halle wins this round. 


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