#CDC and Other Health Officials Ban Health Workers that Treated Mr Duncan the First US Case of #Ebola

Seems like the CDC and health officials are Legally Now Telling All Health Workers who treated Mr Duncan to Stay home and Avoid Air Travel and Public Areas and transportation. 

The Orders to Stay Home are Legal and Binding, just like when they had Police Guards with #Guns outside the Infected Apartment of Mr Duncan's Family when they were first Quarantined. 

Seems like double standards TO ME BECAUSE Mr Duncan's family had guns blazing outside their apartment because they went to get food, yet we have Exposed Nurses traveling in Public Airlines and possibly now exposing over 700 people, and another Texas Health worker going on a Cruise Ship? Seriously? 

Why were these people not home Stay Sanctioned instead of possibly carrying a terrible virus state wide and soon, it will spread with potentially deadly consequences. 


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