#EbolaNews: Possibly Up to 48 people exposed?

So according to excerpts from mail online, 
Why was this person infected if the below points were observed? how do you get exposed if you gowned up and wore gloves?
Did she take them off and scratch her face?
Off limits: Police stand guard on Sunday outside the apartment of the hospital worker diagnosed with Ebola
These workers all 48 from the hospital now under quarantine? These include staff doctors, nurses and more..
Have they gone to work? to Church? Their families gone to school? To the Malls, to shops?

I see a huge pandemic and havoc coming up!!!!
Cleaning up: A man dressed in protective hazmat clothing leaves after treating the front porch and sidewalk of an apartment where a second person diagnosed with the Ebola virus resides on Sunday, October 12
  • The healthcare worker wore a gown, gloves, mask and shield while treating U.S. 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan 
  • A team of 19 epidemiologists are on the ground in Dallas speaking to everyone within a 4-block radius of the victim's apartment
  • A second person who had 'close contact' with the nurse has 'proactively' been placed in isolation
  • Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital has stopped receiving emergency patients and will divert them elsewhere
  • All those who treated Duncan are now considered to be potentially exposed because of a potential 'breach in protocol' in the removal of protective gear
  • The CDC is closely monitoring 48 healthcare workers known to have potentially been exposed and searching for additional contacts 

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